
Worldwide | Nov. 6, 2023

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Company: Nimbi

Salary: $30,000 - $37,200

Type: Remote

Employment: Full-time


NIMBI is an integrated data platform, predictive analysis and case management whose mission is to reduce student dropout in institutions of higher and continuous education, as well as in e-learning companies.

With Nimbi, more students graduate from their studies, improving their work projection and ilaity of life.To achieve this we use the + Machine Learning + Software.Startup Chile supports us and today we are helping 400,000 students.

We systematize and analyze information that educational institutions have to improve monitoring, support and connection with their students.For our clients to know what students help, when and how, we create a platform that integrates and relates data to generate predictive analysis.We use IA and Machine Learning to identify students with the most risk of deserting and delivering software to help students finish their studies. & Nbsp;

Our mission is to combat student dropout in higher education institutions andKeep going.Our team is composed of Data Scientist, developers and experts and innovatives in Edtech.com

Our technology is based on Python and Django in the Backend, using post -mentions as the main database engine, on the front of the Fronte we use Reactjs together with Redux.We have mounted our services on Kubernetes on AWS and use continuous deployment and gitlab git.It is also part of our Stack a BPMN engine that runs on Camunda./p>

  • python
  • Django, Djangorest or other framework
  • Experience using SQL databases
  • Creation of rapid crud interfaces
  • Development of web solutions around MVC (or similar)Interact effectively with users and understand how to help them with technology to better do their tasks
  • You have to be a crack programming well and you have to like it very much

With Nimbi, more students graduate from their studies, improving their work projection and ilaity of life.To achieve this we use the + Machine Learning + Software.Startup Chile supports us and today we are helping 400,000 students.For our clients to know what students help, when and how, we create a platform that integrates and relates data to generate predictive analysis.We use AI and Machine Learning to identify students with the highest risk of deserting and deliver software to help students finish their studies.

Our mission is to combat student dropout in higher and continuous education institutions.Our team is composed of Data Scientist, developers and experts and innovatives in Edtech.NOOPERNER NOREFERRER EXTERNAL "> https://www.nimbiedu.com

What are we looking for?

We are looking for a Full Stack developer for the software development area that is motivated to be part of a talented team and with a clear north that is building powerful tools that will greatly increase successof the students.As a developer you will have the unique opportunity to act as a bridge between product engineering and data science.You will have the task of creating products, as well as working with our data science team to support and expand our predictive and prescriptive analysis capabilities leaders in the industry.It will demonstrate an incessant search for quality and ease of use while maximizing application capabilities with the least number of components and technologies. you will work under the supervision of our cto., identify opportunities and design technological solutions to be developed on the NIMBI platform.You will be responsible for releasing (iteratively and incremental) the solution in the production environment.LIE> Conditions

We will give you Apple equipment.


  • Experience working with UX

Apply here:

Web: Apply here


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