Data Classification Engineer

Worldwide | April 4, 2023

Report as Closed

Company: Admetricks

Salary: $18,000 - $28,800

Type: Remote

Employment: Full-time


Admetricks is a technology company that develops competitive intelligence tools for the Internet advertising industry.

For a free and open Internet, our purpose is to deliver transparency to the digital market through the development of intelligence tools that facilitate control and decision making.

Our services are used by more than 120 customers in 20 countries .And we market.We focus on quality and good practices. We program in modern technologies integrating ourselves to tools, services and platforms of the latest generation.We know that it is not easy to find a place where talent is stimulated, and we take great care."> Getonbrd acknowledged an awesome company ❤️

  • Formal engineering, computing, mathematics or physical studies., self -management, collaboration, positive mental attitude.

For a free and open Internet, our purpose is to deliver transparency to the digital market through the development of intelligence tools that facilitate control and decision making.

Our services are used by more than 120 customers in 20 countries .And we market.We focus on quality and good practices. We program in modern technologies integrating ourselves to tools, services and platforms of the latest generation.We know that it is not easy to find a place where talent is stimulated, and we take great care."Target =" _ Blank "Rel =" NOFOLOW NOOPERNER NOREFERRER EXTERNAL "> GETONBRD recognized us an awesome company ❤️

What would your job be

As Data Classification Engineer your mission is that all our data are validated and correctly classified in the categories that our clients require.

Your responsibilities are:UL>

  • Develop and maintain all our data classification components.recognized.
  • Technical support and reception of requirements of the team of people who use the manual classifier to train the models.
  • Detection and evasion of garbage or useless data.Research on ML/AI techniques and libraries to improve the performance of our models.May your work be of high quality, that you follow good practices and want to grow professionally, overcome yourself and with your work have an impact on the future of the company. Benefits
    • Zero bureaucracy.
    • 6 weeks of vacations.
    • 40 hours of work a week, without excess.Your birthday, your partner's and children.
    • 1 extra paternity week..
    • Friendly and available equipment to give you all the context you need.LI>
    • Space for you to decide how to solve the problems. Knowledge that you will learn
      • Programming: Python, Django, Work tails
      • Platforms: Docker, Kubernettes, Rancher
      • Databases: Postgres, Elasticsearch, S3
      • Dashboards: Cloudwatch, Kibana, Redash
    • Code reviews, retros, user stories, acceptance criteria, continuous integration


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